Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Lovely standing photos

Click here for a larger imageClick here for a larger imageWe thought we'd post these lovely pictures of Abigail in her standing frame this morning. Not only does she really seem to enjoy the different perspective of being upright, but it's very good for her overall posture and muscle condition. Today, her head and neck control seemed to be particularly good: Abby held her head up for a really long period and was listening to what was going on around her. Shortly after these photos were taken she began to get tired and gently rested her head down on the tray in front of her!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

The four rascals

Click for a larger imageHere's the latest picture of all four rascals together: Rebekah (7), Joshua (5), Abigail (nearly 3) and not forgetting Cubbs the teddy bear (age unknown). Abby continues to do well through the summer. We had to work hard to maintain a cool temperature for her during the recent hot spell, but she is growing and getting heavier all the time! We're currently considering how best to cater for Abby vehicle-wise. From her third birthday in September, we'll be eligible for an extra payment that goes towards mobility. We want to sell our existing car before it loses too much money on depreciation, but the question is whether to buy a Motability car now with the possibility of having to make disability adaptations soon, or buy another car now and wait a while before buying through the Motability scheme. It's a confusing jungle of opinion and information!