Monday, February 27, 2006

Abby goes swimming!

Click for a larger imageClick for a larger image
We're really pleased that Abby now has a hydrotherapy session once a week in addition to her two days at the Phoenix Centre nursery. Here are some photos from her session this morning. Abby really seems to enjoy and relax in the pool and there are clearly many benefits for her. She gets a 'full-body' workout that can stretch all her muscles in a near zero gravity environment. The warm water helps to relax her body and helps to ease stiffened joints and limbs and there is obviously a sensory benefit for Abby - she just loves being in the water!

It's amazing to see her visibly relax as she lies on her back in the pool. Here you can see her helper supporting Abby with just two fingers behind the neck as Abby lies almost completely flat in the water. We've also shot a small amount of video of Abby's hydro sessions and hope to upload that here soon.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Abigail phones a friend

Click here for a larger imageChris Tarrant, ex-Capital Radio breakfast DJ and now presenter of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? is a patron of the Phoenix Centre special needs nursery where Abby attends twice a week. He regularly visits the centre and spends considerable time with the staff and children. It was kept a secret exactly when he'd be visiting (presumably to avoid hordes of parents asking him if they can "ask the audience") and so we weren't there to see him, but he did visit on one of Abigail's days there. She missed out on a snap of her with the great man in the local paper, but all of the children were photographed with Chris, so here's our grainy copy of Abby plus game-show host.

Doesn't look too star-struck, does she?