Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Abigail Updates online

Click for a larger imageSo many of you have been kind enough to keep up to date with our daughter Abigail and her progress over the last two years. We thought we'd try and keep up with the times and allow people to view her email updates in blog form on the internet! We'll be reproducing many of her previous updates here as an archive and also posting new and more regular details on Abby here in the future. There will also be photos and more frequent information on her medical condition and home life. Don't forget that you can also leave comments too - just click on Comments at the foot of each post. Thanks for looking!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

New birthday toys

Here are photos of Abigail playing with some of the new toys she got for her birthday. We decided to buy her some proper special-needs tactile toys and she seems to enjoy using them. The bells form an octave of notes which she can 'ring' by moving them with her hands and the other toy is a 'lollipop jungle'. This is placed in front of Abby and allows her various levels of touch sensation depending on what she reaches for. All these toys are designed to offer interaction on a tactile level as well as attempting to encourage a cause-and-effect response. It's great to hear Abby ringing her bells and we often find her asleep with her hands firmly clasped round the lollipops!
Click for a larger imageClick for a larger image

Friday, September 16, 2005

Abby is two today

Click for a larger imageAnother milestone reached – Abigail is two years old today! We had a great time away in France a few weeks back although Abby did develop a nasty cough in the last day or two. We took her to our GP as soon as we got back to the UK and she was referred immediately to hospital with a suspected chest infection. An x-ray revealed that her chest was actually clear and that she simply had a persistent viral infection in her throat. Thankfully, she didn’t have to stay in hospital that night and is still on antibiotics now, but doing OK.