Tuesday, March 06, 2007

No real change as yet

The wonderful staff nurse LucyMatt cuddles AbbyMonday showed no discernible difference in Abby's condition despite the steroids she's been given, although doctors don't necessarily expect to see results just yet. Matt had another long chat with one of the consultants who said it could take three to four days before any improvement from the steroids is seen - if it works at all. Likewise, Abby has been put onto another antibiotic to fight an additional chest infection and it will be a similar timescale before it's known whether this bug has been cleared. We're really looking at the end of the week before doctors will be able to make a reasonable assessment as to whether the steroids and antibiotics have done their job.

Matt was also able to talk through some questions and issues with the consultant about what options might be available after that time, and what protocols would lead doctors to conclude that little more could be done for Abby.

Abigail enjoyed a lot of visits yesterday and was very settled indeed in the evening, with a steady heart rate and saturation at almost 100% - almost as if to prove (like we need telling) that she is still fighting.

Matt, Nix and AbbyOvernight yesterday into this morning, nurses reported that Abigail had suffered several episodes of a very low heart rate and desaturation. This was a concern to doctors because they had no immediate explanation as to why she might do that. Abby also had quite a lot of diarrhoea overnight too, despite the fact that she has been off her normal milk feeds for two days and is just on maintenance IV fluids.

Today, Abby's wonderful nurses gave her a bed-bath with strawberry scented creams and lotions and also another hairwash to bring out her amazing curls. It was also Matt's turn for a long cuddle in the comfy chair with Abby today, and this required two nurses and a military-style logistical operation to disconnect and reconnect the many lines, wires and tubes into Abigail. But it's been really good for both of us to be able to do that.

Overall, we continue to wait for the steroids and antibiotics to do their work and then see where we are by the weekend, but we are both increasingly pessimistic about Abby's chances of surviving this ordeal. We have been able to talk quite a bit to various people about choices we may have to make, how Abby will feel, and even life afterwards should she die, so we are certainly doing all we can to prepare ourselves for that scenario. In particular, we have sought advice about how to help Rebekah and Joshua through all this.

There is still some hope, of course. But it's now decreasing with each passing day.


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