Sunday, June 20, 2004

No change: seizures still a problem

Community nurse with AbbyUnfortunately, Abby’s renewed seizures have continued since she was admitted to the QE again on Thursday evening. Essentially, she is back to the stage where she is never awake and not fitting. Nix and I visited on Friday evening and Abigail was either having a major seizure or cluster fitting for over two hours whilst we were there. Lorazapam, Diazapam, Paraldehyde and Midazalam are all being administered in an effort to stop the fitting, with very little indication as to which (if any) of these drugs is actually working.

Although Abby’s heart rate increases when she is fitting, her overall heart rate does seem to be less than it was a few months ago – probably an indication of her increased weight and the fact that she’s older now. When she’s sleeping, nurses have even become slightly concerned that it’s dropped quite low on occasions. Abigail currently has an IV cannula in so that drugs can be given straight into the bloodstream, is being monitored for heart rate and oxygen saturation and is also being offered oxygen as and when she needs it. The hospital are maintaining contact with neuro consultants at Guy’s who have overall responsibility for Abigail’s epilepsy care. There is still a possibility that Abby will be transferred to Guy’s if her condition doesn’t improve over the next few days. The photo is of Abby with her community nurse just a few days ago.


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